8 Parts of Speech with Noun

8 Parts of speech
There are eight parts of speech.
  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Verb
  4. Adjective
  5. Adverb
  6. Preposition
  7. Conjunction
  8. Interjection
1. Noun:
   Noun is a word which names a person, a place or a thing. Such as:
Chair, table, white board, school, tree, Garden, motorcycle stone, etc.
Types of noun:
There are two main types of noun:
  1. Common noun
  2. Proper noun
Common noun:
  It is the name of a common or a non -specific thing,place or person.
common noun refers to a non specific or non particular thing, place a person. For example, boy, girl, road, stone, flag, fan, etc.
These are all common nouns because each of these nouns refer to a common thing, place or person.
Proper noun:
Proper noun is the name of a particular or a specific thing, place or person.
For example Samsung company, Tuesday, June, University of Scotland etc. These are all proper nouns because each of these nouns refer to a particular thing, place a person.
       If a common noun is specified it becomes a proper noun. For example, night is a common noun but if it is specified like Monday or friday, it becomes Proper noun.
Similarly motorcycle is a common noun but if it is specified like Samsung company, it becomes Proper noun.
The first letter of Proper noun is always written in capital letter.
Some examples:
He lives in New York.
She studies and University of Oxford.
The author of this book is Peter.
The richest person of the Universe is Bill Gates.


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